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Noble Academy recommendation

2015.01.09 16:16

Junko Koizumi 조회 수:12784

Hi, I'm Junko from Japan.

I have been here at Noble academy for 3 months studying for my IELTS.

I had private classes with Peter and group classes with Jim.

They were good and helpful in preparing me for my IELTS.

Classmates were also nice to me, and they were very friendly so it was comfortable.

And Iris was always helping me with my goals and giving me advice which made me focus on those goals.

She is not just a teacher here, but someone I would consider a friend or sister as she always seems genuinely concerned 

about people.

Thank you for thoughts and memories.

And I will let you know how well you taught me.

Thanks again.

Junko Koizumi =)