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IELTS 시험 전략 – Speaking 샘플 답안 10


자료제공 : 캘거리 노블아카데미

원장  정승희


IELTS 시험점수를 위한 Speaking이기도 하지만, 시험이 목표가 아닌 Speaking 실력을 늘리기 위해서도 꾸준히 공부하시면 도움이 되실 겁니다.


Speaking의 평가기준은 응시자의 영어구사능력, 적절하고 알맞은 문법과

어휘력을 평가하며 효과적으로 커뮤니케이션 할 수 있는가를 측정하는 시험입니다.

Test에서 다루어지는 Topic은 충분히 예측할 수 있는 기존의 기출문제 안에서

준비할 수 있는 내용이며 많은 연습이 필요합니다.


이번 주에는 Part 1에서는 Bicycle, Flowers에 관하여, Part 2, Part 3에서는 Traffic jams에 관하여 기출문제를 바탕으로 샘플답안을 올립니다.  샘플답안들은 저희 웹사이트 자유게시판에도 동시에 올리고 있습니다.



Part 1


내용 : 본인의 신상명세 및 개인생활에 대한 질문들이 나옵니다.

주의사항 : 의사소통에 중점을 두며 대화를 익숙하고 매끄럽게 이어가는 것이 중요합니다.




1.      Do you know how to ride a bicycle?


Yes, I know how to ride a bicycle. I sometimes ride with my family in the park.


Yes, I learned how to ride a bike when I was really young! I don’t ride my bike very often but I enjoy it.


No, I don’t know how to ride a bike. I am very scared to learn. I don’t want to hurt myself.


2.      How old were you when you learned how to ride a bicycle?


I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was 19 years old.


I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was 3 years old. I started with training wheels but graduated to 2 wheels when I was 5 years old.


3.      Who taught you how to ride a bicycle?


My sister taught me how to ride a bike. The first time that I rode it by myself, I didn’t know how to brake, so I crashed into a wall. I was slightly injured.


My dad taught me how to ride a bike when I was young. We used to go on bike rides together!


4.      What are the benefits of riding bicycles?


Riding bicycles are very beneficial. It is good exercise, it is quicker than walking, and it does not cause pollution.


5.      Is it good for children to ride bicycles?


Yes, I think it is very good for children to ride bikes. It is an important skill to learn. It provides children with a little bit of independence and exercise.


I bought my son a bike for his 6th birthday so we could go on family bike rides in the park.


6.      Is it safe to ride bicycles?


Riding a bike can be dangerous. It is important for everyone to wear a helmet and be aware of cars and pedestrians on the road. If you are smart, riding a bike is safe!




1.      Do you like to have flowers at home?


Yes, I love having colorful flowers at home. They make my living room look pretty!

No, I don’t like having flowers in my house. I am allergic to many flowers so they make me sneeze.


2.      Where do you usually buy flowers?


I usually buy flowers from a local floral shop or from a grocery shop such as Safeway or CO-OP.


I like to buy my flowers from local herb and plant farms. They have the best flowers!


3.      When do you buy flowers and why?


I usually buy flowers for my family or my friends on special occasions. Also, I give flowers to musicians such as violinists, pianists, and singers after they perform.

Recently, I gave some flowers to the organist of my church after his concert.


4.      What flower colors do you like the most?


I love to buy roses. My favorite flowers are red roses but I like all kinds.


5.      Do you like smelling flowers?


Yes, I love smelling flowers. They always smell so delicious!


No, I don’t like to smell flowers. They smell very strong and it makes me feel sick.


6.      What do you feel when someone gives you flowers?


It is a very thoughtful gesture to buy someone flowers, so when someone does that for me, I feel very special! Only my close friends and family have purchased flowers for me on special occasions.



Part 2


내용 : 1 동안 주어진 주제에 대해 생각을 정리하며 메모도 할 수 있는 시간이 주어지며, 1~2분 동안 정리된 내용에 대해 혼자서 얘기해야 합니다.

주의사항 : 질문의 핵심을 뚫은 대답과 논리적인 설명이 필요합니다. 불필요하거나 질문의 내용에서 동떨어진 것을 얘기하지 말아야 합니다.



Describe a situation when you were in a traffic jam.


You should say


When did it happen?

Where was it?

Why did it happen?

What were your feelings at that time?


In 2008, my friend and I were driving to Tofino, British Columbia to surf for the weekend. The drive from Victoria to Tofino normally takes about 6 hours. However, there was an accident on the highway; a logging truck had lost its logs and they were scattered all over the highway. Unfortunately, we had to sit on the road for 3 hours before all the logs were cleared. We were very tired, very hungry and needed to use the washroom. Hundreds of people were lined up waiting for the mess to be cleared. By the time we got to Tofino, it was midnight. It took us over 9 hours to reach our destination. We were grumpy and tired and we just wanted to go to bed. Luckily, nobody was hurt by the logging accident.



Part 3 (Discussion topics)


내용 : Part 2에서 나온 주제와 관련하여 추상적인 주제로 대화하는 시간입니다. 간단한 대화라기 보다는 논의/토론 형식에 가까운 형태로 이루어져야 합니다.

주의사항 : 얼마나 examiner와 상대로 자신의 의견을 타당성 있게, 그리고 자신감을 가지고 논리적으로 전개하느냐가 중요합니다.


1.   What are the causes of traffic jams?


Traffic jams are caused by a variety of things such as rush hour, car accidents or a broken down vehicle. Traffic jams occur more during special holidays. Everybody is trying to go back home to see their family.


2.   What should we do to solve traffic problems?


Unfortunately, we will never be able to get rid of traffic problems. If people choose to take public transit rather than driving traffic jams will definitely decrease. By creating larger highways or better traffic light systems, traffic problems will get better.


3.   Do traffic jams affect the environment?


Yes, I think traffic jams affect the environment. Thousands of cars each day sit on the highway during traffic jams with their engines running. The exhaust from their cars is released into the air causing detrimental effects on our environment.



캘거리 노블아카데미

웹사이트 :

전화 : 403-228-6421 / 403-667-2595

주소 : #204, 1211 14St SW Calgary